Do you know what your strengths are?
And have you ever taken a strengths questionnaire?
Using strengths assessments and working with clients’ strengths are key aspects of positive psychology coaching and are a key part of the work I do with my clients.
Why? Because, research has shown that outcomes can include:
✔️increase in confidence;
✔️performance improvement;
✔️work engagement;
✔️improved concentration;
✔️goal achievement;
✔️psychological flourishing…
I have extensive experience with the well-researched VIA Character Strengths assessment and model, through:
⭐use with dozens of clients
⭐conducting research throughout my Master degree
⭐participating in the VIA Mindfulness Based Strengths Practice course (which I highly recommend!)
⭐and utilising & developing my strengths every day (BTW my top 3 are kindness, humility & prudence)
You can do this assessment for free! But… debriefing your results with a coach can help to deepen your understanding of, and how you can best work with & benefit from your strengths.
📩Get in touch if you’d like to know how I can help you discover and develop your strengths!