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The Power of Goal Setting Theory for Performance and Wellbeing
Goal Setting Theory provides a robust framework for understanding how clear, well-defined goals can enhance performance and wellbeing.
About Coaching Psychology
Here’s a brief overview of what it is, its benefits and how and why I embed it in my coaching.
How the Transtheoretical Model can support you to change
Understanding and utilising the Transtheoretical Model can be very helpful to understand and support behaviour change.
How integrating mindfulness can improve EVERYTHING about your day!
Mindfulness can be simply defined as a mental state that’s achieved by focusing attention on the present moment.
Using Self-Determination Theory to Increase Your Job Satisfaction… and your Wellbeing
This article gives an overview of the 3 SDT requirements and some tips to try to make improvements to your work life.
Applying your valuable skills, experience and knowledge to a new job or career
Which skills, knowledge and experience do you already have that can you apply to different jobs or careers?
Meaningful work: how clarifying your life purpose can lead to work you love
Life purpose is essentially our why – it’s about who we are, our reason for being, the impact we have on our world.
Personal values list
Knowing what our personal values are helps us to understand what motivates and fulfils us
How many careers have you had?
We can expect to have between 7-10 different careers, and up to 15 different jobs in our lifetime.
Coaching for Organisations
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