A client recently had a huge breakthrough in one of our sessions – she defined her life purpose. She said it was like fireworks going off!!!
Life purpose is essentially our why – it’s about who we are, our reason for being, the impact we have on our world – and why we do what we do. It may sound a little out there, but I can attest, that since I’ve worked out my purpose, making decisions has been much easier, as has finding the right work for me.
How to reveal your life purpose
Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help work out what your life purpose is:
What’s been the main impact that you’ve had on people around you?
How have you contributed to your local community?
How have you helped others, and even changed their lives?
What’s your unique contribution to the world?
What do you want your legacy to be?
Who do you really admire, and why?
To give you a little guidance, some examples are:
I ignite positive change in our world
I support others
I am a teacher of spiritual wisdom
A short disclaimer: this is not an easy task to achieve. I mean, it’s a pretty significant thing to understand why you exist! And the process can take some time, but it’s oh so worth it.
Connecting life purpose with meaningful work
Now that my client understands what we life purpose it, this knowledge will be like a guiding light to help her find a career with much more meaning than in the work she does now.
Does your work have meaning for you?
Is it aligned with your life purpose?
Do you know your life purpose?