The science of positive psychology covers diverse topics such as happiness, optimism, strengths, creativity, flow, wellbeing and personal growth. The focus is on what is already right and going well for us, whilst still recognising negative emotions and challenges as natural and important aspects of our lives.
And it’s not just to support our individual wellbeing, but when we for example show acts of kindness and enhance our social connections, there are also benefits for group and communities, such as workplaces, as well.
Positive Psychology Coaching
Applying positive psychology can support us to thrive in all aspects of our lives. That’s why it goes so perfectly with coaching.
Anyone can flourish. However sometimes some extra effort and the right support is needed to get there.
Positive Psychology Coaching is science-based and includes different strategies or interventions that are implemented to support the clients’ personal and professional goals, as well as their wellbeing – which can be defined as the ability to feel good and function effectively.
Leadership, career and wellbeing-related outcomes
Here are some examples of clients’ results, which are in-line with many studies:
Better management of emotions
Increased confidence and sense of psychological safety
Teams with increased work engagement and improved performance
Definition of meaning and purpose
Increased moments of flow
Strengthening of authenticity by better understanding own biases and preferences and increased focus on of strengths and values
Improved relationships
An increased sense of autonomy
Definition of goals and striving to achieve or exceed them
Improvements to mental health
Increased strategic approach through delegation and shift of perspective
Development of strengths use, leading to increased energy
Increased resilience through optimism and mindfulness
More comfortable to seek other views and perspectives in decision-making
Clarifying own personal brand
Increased confidence in interviews and networking
Securing a promotion
Are simply happier at work
Improved employee wellbeing = Better organisational performance
Research shows that when employees’ wellbeing is optimal, this can lead to improved company performance. Tangibly, this is achieved by reduced turnover, less sick days, increased productivity, and staff are simply motivated to give more.
I use the PERMAH positive psychology wellbeing framework with my clients (adapted from Martin Seligman, 2011). It consists of individually measurable components: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, accomplishment and health (PERMAH); and its goal is to increase flourishing, by strengthening each of these elements in a holistic manner.
Below are some work-related outcomes that have been demonstrated through various studies.
Positive emotions
Development of personal resources including resilience
Dealing better with stress and challenges
Starting a contagion effect of positivity
Increased job enjoyment
Better relationships throughout the organisation
Improved coping and reduced conflict
Better problem solving and job performance
Improved morale and increased enjoyment
Increased happiness and engagement
Improved performance
Reduced turnover
Reduced stress and depression symptoms
Increases in positive emotions, feelings of achievement and engagement