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How can taking time off make me more productive?

That does sound counter-intuitive and a low priority when we have a lot on our plate.

But by planning regular breaks from work and consciously switching off when we get home, research has shown that this leads to not only reducing stress, but also increasing our performance and productivity.

So there is scientific proof that a complete break is good for us… and our employers!

Brendon Burchard (THE productivity master!) has a great, and easy, technique to incorporate breaks and increase our productivity. He suggests working in 50 minute uninterrupted blocks of time (meaning closing your email tabs, social media alerts, putting away your phone, etc.) then taking a 10 minute break to clear your mind and prepare it for your next 50 minute block of productivity. This break could be grabbing a cuppa, a walk around the building or doing some stretching. He also suggests to do a short meditation in this break, in which you repeat ‘release, release, release,…’ over and over for up to 2 minutes to really close off your previous task before diving into the next one.

Do you think these suggestions could be useful for you?

Do you already plan breaks into your agenda? How about a walk at lunchtime? Even 20 minutes of fresh air and a change of scenery can help.

And do you really switch off when you get home? Unless you have critical work to do, keep your computer and phone off and out of sight.

Give it a go for a couple of weeks and watch how your productivity increases!

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